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How to unstake Hex when stakeperiod has ended?

8 ответов

5 просмотров

Yes its that simple... you link your metamask wallet to go.hex.com/stake, you hit endstake, MM appears and presents you with the gas fees. the hex is then transfered to your MM wallet

Snelle-Jelle Автор вопроса

It’s just best to do the 100% then. Damn all the folks who dont know this and end stake earlier lose so much..


Loftbilder (2) has increased reputation of Het Belgisch Verzet 🇧🇪 (12)

Yes, rule 101. If you say you are going to stake for 1 year and then don’t, you get penalised. Like in the really world

Penalities are rewarded to The Staker pool OA which is nice

Snelle-Jelle Автор вопроса

That’s harsh but maybe also fair. Maybe more info around this would be more decent.


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