210 похожих чатов

I'Ve been reading the comments and just want to thank

the ARRR team, Kaks, Quartermaster, and others who are assets to this coin and community.
What could we do - as a community - to raise awareness of ARRR? I'm thinking it needs a big reach, say we donate to an ARRR fund which then pays a person on social media who has many followers (say 100,000s or millions) to market the coin and show exactly, step by step, how to actually purchase ARRR and use it. In that way, demand will shoot up and we will sail the seas on bigger ships :D Thoughts?

2 ответов

6 просмотров

We do have donations page for such https://pirate.black/donations/arrr-events-fundraiser/ There is a lot of targeting of social media and these kind of things are considered Thanks for the kind comment.

Also with the advent of wARRR there will now be a fee stream going into the Pirate pot that can be used for promotion

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