209 похожих чатов

I know the team and frequent commenters have had a

tough job answering the endless stupid and triggering questions in the last 48hrs, it’s taken up 4hrs of my life reading the shite!
However some legitimate and reasonable questions have been met with “don’t you like free money” or “just sell”. Some of us have been here since 17/18 and would be selling at 90% btc loss, so when I hear those replies I get pissed off. 140mil of omg, could there be 1.4 billion boba??? Which would dilute my investment again?? Yesterday 1 of the team members said that after airdrop omg would be used for plasma, a few messages later he said nobody uses plasma.
I’m not a tech guy, have no fucking clue what the hell defi is, I am most definitely illiterate to these things. I’m an og holder that was originally sold on the idea that McDonalds were accepting omg as payment (more fool me). I bought on an exchange which has not currently announced support for the airdrop. I have no idea about bridging or metamask.
I would appreciate a bit more information than we’re creating a new token and then they all have a piss up leaving it an absolute shit show in this chat.
Respectfully JB

3 ответов

11 просмотров

FTX isn't obscure, and sending ur OMG to Boba is a couple of clicks.

J-B Автор вопроса

I’m not tech savvy mate, seeing messages here that people can’t send at the moment so I’m waiting for more information

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