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$ 1M+

How retarded do you have to be

I think it can catch get over 1/2 of the price of BTC....large redistribution of wealth into staker class…driven by the global economy….so 20k top is feasible I think.

The tshares will drive the hex price up. I am always thinking $1000 in 5 years. After that, I stop DCA into hex


We going to $7.80 when the market goes green!

Careful who you call retarded ;)

Davichon-Chingon Автор вопроса

Why $7.80? Major Fib level?

That all you got ad hominem insults and shitty memes, damn it seems you're the retard 🤣

Thanks bro

How will the tshares drive the price up?

To the point where it will out pace price appreciation. Staker class will be winning hard.

When hex is $10, One tshare will pay over $50, but if you don't sell that hex, it could go to $500, or $5000 for 1 tshare reward. That is each day!!!

Increasing price of tshares or increasing a.ount of tshares? When someone EES?

Tshare yield, ees rewards, price appreciation, copy on pulse chain, hexicans are going to win so hard, people will hate us.

Increases price of tshares

Hex.is.the.way (323) has increased reputation of Davro (58)

How to get this t share

nah, they'll continue to try to save us from this "scam" 😂😂

Go.hex.com stake your hex



Davro (58) has increased reputation of Hex.is.the.way (324)

Bring it on, we're going to drinking haters tears. 😂

If we arent getting paid $50 now for one tshare, whre do i find out how much we are getting?

This gives the daily tshare payout https://hexdailystats.com/

Hexcalc.net plan out your future

In April at times, it was 17 hex per tshare. Now its about 5. Ok. Is this the interest part?

wait, what? rate of growth? I'm pretty sure HEX has already exceeded BTC in that respect. Somebody I'm sure will have my back on this.

Yup the payouts, and it was 10+ HEX a day or two ago because of an epic EES so the penalties get distributed to the staker class

connect your mm wallet to go.gex.com and click the hex logo. Tshare payouts are at the bottom. Tshare payout X hex price

How do we determine which part of the payout is interest and which is from EES?

Im guessing one of the hex stats sites would have that not sure which tho

This might be useful. https://hexdailystats.com/

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