209 похожих чатов

So you know that “prediction chart” going around and it’s

pretty accurate up to this point, but then it get pretty crazy saying in the next couple years HEX will be well into the thousands….

Can someone smarter than me explain how marketcap means nothing? Will all Bitcoin holders fomo in? How does it get to these numbers?

11 ответов

11 просмотров

There is only about 60 million hex for sale and it a big buy comes in, the hex price could go straight to $1000. It only takes 1 trade for $1 if you have $1 trillion coins to make a trillion marketcap. Pure vanity

Ruan-Noogin Автор вопроса

Wow good timing

Ruan-Noogin Автор вопроса

It shows circ. Supply is 572b… how do you say 60 mil for sale? Jw

Yes, the amount available to buy is what is in liquidity pools, and some centralized exchanges

HEX's price went up the fastest when its liquidity was the lowest. Bitcoin's price went up the fastest when its liquidity was lowest. Ethereum's price went up the fastest when its liquidity was the lowest.

Under 72 million hex for sale which is about $35 million. If people buy that, the price goes up like crazy due to how AMM work

Hex.is.the.way (334) has increased reputation of Peace (104)

Ruan-Noogin Автор вопроса

Dude… I get it now

Loz (65) has increased reputation of Hex.is.the.way (335)

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