209 похожих чатов

I want to be able to explain to people how

marketcap means nothing, as I’ve heard RH say.

How do I sound smarter ??

Any help in here?

7 ответов

11 просмотров

Look at Tesla, they proved market cap means nothing. They sell only $300,000 cars a year at a loss, and somehow the market cap says $750 billion, and for sells 6 million cars at a profit, and is worth $40 billionish?

Clone any ERC20 shitcoin from Github... mint 1 Trillion tokens .... Sell one to your mate for $100.... BOOM - you just created a toekn with 100 Trillion market cap! - if they don't see that it's just a bullshit metric from an out-dated system that doesn't really apply to crypto ... move on. ;)

Ruan-Noogin Автор вопроса

Does… not … compoot…. brain…. POOOOOOOP!!!!

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