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Hi i have to manually end my stake within 2

weeks of ending to get the rewards?

16 ответов

8 просмотров

You don't have to, but if you don't end stake when you promised you would end it, the system penalises you each week IIRC - this is to free up t-shares to the rest of the stakers

Jacob- Автор вопроса

Thanks so by manually selecting to end the stake on hex.com within 2 weeks of the stake end date enables maximum stake rewards and leaving it past that 2 weeks is not ideal?

Yep, that's right... I don't think you earn any more once your stake reaches maturity anyway, so better to unstake and restake if you want it earning interest

Yes. You no longer accrue interest after the due date. Leaving it past 2 weeks you'll be paying a late end stake penalty on a weekly basis. Leave it long enough you'll lose all of your investment and interest.

you stop getting reawards on the day you chose to end it - you just get 2 weeks grace to actually send the transaction telling the contract to mint your coins or do good accounting(to postpone the minting)

it's calculated and charged daily, but works out at 1% per week (0.14 % daily IIRC)

Set a calendar reminder for the date it ends 💯

Jacob- Автор вопроса

Nice thanks for confirming, my first stake was only 2 months. I've been watching a lot of videos of RH, i saw a section sounded like restaking your first stake doesn't give the same rewards as the first stake? Couldn't quite figure that out. Ill be restaking to a longer period soon just checking any downside to second stake period vs the first?

Jacob- Автор вопроса

And that interest only starts 2 weeks after the staking period ends or on the day it ends?

What he's saying is that whenever you re-stake for the same amount of time, you'll never get as many Tshares as you did initially, as the price of Tshares keeps going up (in HEX terms). You have to stake longer to get the same number of Tshares as your original stake

2 weeks free of penalty first, then it starts day by day

Hex.is.the.way (345) has increased reputation of Loz (71)

Many have 100% hex. When you see how almost every chart follows btc chart, and btc is a broken artifact, it becomes pretty obvious what to do. Maybe we are 90% hex 10% pulse idk. The further coins dump while hex goes up, the faster some people wake up

Jacob- Автор вопроса

Lol ah that's commitment, im feeling im becoming more hexican everyday. The more vids i watch the more I'm picking up RHs intentions and geeez he makes a lot of good points, no BS just a lot of truth. Im holding a fair amount of tether but bit worried rumours it's more risky than some might think, considering moving more towards usdc and more HEX

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