209 похожих чатов

So a smarter friend than I pointed out to me

that in the fine print on hex.com it says that hex is not an actual coin, just some numbers on a computer… I can’t find it. Does anyone know what he means?

13 ответов

11 просмотров
Ruan-Noogin Автор вопроса

Love these answers

Is btc an actual coin? I've seen it, one with a B and two vertical lines through it. How to I buy an actual Bitcoin?

Ruan-Noogin Автор вопроса

Dude I’m so jelly, I wish I found out at sub ten cents…. Got in at .24 and dca since

Careful what you wish for. A thread: https://twitter.com/Emmonspired/status/1380215592154714113?s=19

Ruan-Noogin Автор вопроса

Is this supposed to mean I should not want to be rich? Or be careful who I tell?

Ruan-Noogin Автор вопроса

Okay so it’s good I missed the mob

Fiat is a printed paper with value on a computer


Means your friend doesn't want u to succeed

Ruan-Noogin Автор вопроса

He just seems scared. Nice guy, I wouldn’t assume any negativity on his part.

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