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And another question also regarding staking: why is the APR

on Cosmostation and Trust different? Even when I'm looking at the same Validator?

6 ответов

4 просмотра

Trust wallet seem to be using an Incorrect calculation that is giving incorrect values. Cosmostation give values on the high end which are correct if staking rewards are delegated to compound. Without compounding the actual received rewards are close to or just above 30% Apr

Waroon- Автор вопроса

Ok thanks for that. Trust showed me about 20% so far. Switched over to Cosmostation now and I see about 34% for the same Validator. So I get a little more from my staked Kava now than before or is it just a display issue on Trustwallet? Also, the 34% what is being shown on Cosmostation is when I autocompound? At what frequency?

Waroon- Автор вопроса

Ok cool. So I will probably be earning the same as before, just that I'll be paying less fee for claiming and restaking. Fair enough 👍😊

Yes, The theoretiocal yield I calculated is 31.5% APR (not reinvested), which if compounded gives 34.6% APY, althoguh when checking the actual amolunt received recently it was closer to 30.0%, so might need to do a few more spot checks Had adds another 1.8% APY and SWP 2.5% APY

Waroon- Автор вопроса

Ok, good to know and thanks for your efforts. For compounding what frequency did u consider? Hourly/Daily/weekly?

The more often you do it the higher the yield, but the difference between weekly, daily and hourly is relatively small. If you have time and not paying a tx fee daily would be a good choice, but weekly would be fine, I don't think there is much to be gained doing it more than once per day. If you use the Trust wallet and pay 0.01 Kava per claim, claiming less often might be the better option unless you have larger amounts to claim

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