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I’m so lost when comes to Tshares, Does the total

staked giving the total estimate of $ value include Tshares on hex.com?

31 ответов

4 просмотра

Those who have tshares get all the new hex, they can mint it when their stake is done

Tate-(Bubble Tea Suite) Автор вопроса

So the estimated total $value doesn’t include the Tshares until they mint at the end of the stake?

I've just started staking Hex for 345 days how long does it take too get tshares

Tate-(Bubble Tea Suite) Автор вопроса

The longer you stake more Tshares you can receive. I got 2 Tshares so far been staking for 2 years.

We stake or hex, and the longer you stake the more tshares you get, which gives you the new free hex. Go.hex.com or staker app or other sites allow you to do it

Ok thanks


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI_Df45cMuQ https://hexicans.info/shares/ When you stake HEX you burn that HEX in exchange for shares. Those shares are used by the contract to reward you your portion of daily interest and early end stake/late unstake penalties. Then when your stake is mature, you end stake, which dissolves your shares in exchange for minting your HEX which will be your original principal + all interest, penalties earnt whilst being staked. T-shares = terra shares or 1 trillion shares. Effective HEX uses your longer pays better and bigger pays better bonuses to compute your shares for the stake. Share price only goes up because reducing shares for new guys is the same mathematically as compounding shares for old guys. It's computationally more efficient and makes a cool chart. Share price has no direct relationship to price on exchange, though since shares become more scarce than HEX, there is probably some influence.

Tate-(Bubble Tea Suite) Автор вопроса

So is this correct?

before you stake the go.hex.com/stake page tells you how many shares you'll get depening on your principal (bigger pays better) and duration of stake (longer pays better) ... then you stake, you burn the HEX and Mint Tshares .... Tshares multiply the Daily Pay out rate ... and at the end of your stake, you end it, which burns the Tshares, and mints all your hex - the principal, plus all you earned (dailypayout rate x Tshares, plus some bomnus due to penalties paid by others for ending early or late).

You burn your hex for tshares, then you burn your tshares for hex when you endstake

Hex.is.the.way (400) has increased reputation of Loz (90)

Tate-(Bubble Tea Suite) Автор вопроса

I don’t get it….

You already have shares, maybe tshares depending on the amount staked. You can see them at go.hex.com/stake or paste your public address in the staked app


Shares cost hex. Pay your hex, get shares, shares allow you to earn hex as interest, then at end of stake you mint your hex principle and interest and the shares are burned.

You get shares when you stake HEX. Read the link I post.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI_Df45cMuQ https://hexicans.info/shares/ When you stake HEX you burn that HEX in exchange for shares. Those shares are used by the contract to reward you your portion of daily interest and early end stake/late unstake penalties. Then when your stake is mature, you end stake, which dissolves your shares in exchange for minting your HEX which will be your original principal + all interest, penalties earnt whilst being staked. T-shares = terra shares or 1 trillion shares. Effective HEX uses your longer pays better and bigger pays better bonuses to compute your shares for the stake. Share price only goes up because reducing shares for new guys is the same mathematically as compounding shares for old guys. It's computationally more efficient and makes a cool chart. Share price has no direct relationship to price on exchange, though since shares become more scarce than HEX, there is probably some influence.

T-shares are just a number. 1 trillion shares.

Tate-(Bubble Tea Suite) Автор вопроса

This doesn’t make any sense to me as I’m not getting a direct answer to my question. I’m guessing for legal purposes 😅.

state you actual question clearly

Tate-(Bubble Tea Suite) Автор вопроса

I did

Tate-(Bubble Tea Suite) Автор вопроса

Ok so it’s not Totalling the Tshares to the end value?

No, only the current hex earned and hex paid in initially

Tate-(Bubble Tea Suite) Автор вопроса

Lol all you have do press the link and it takes to my question. It don’t make sense to me that’s why I’m asking the question

I've found it I've got 0.250 tshares

Tate-(Bubble Tea Suite) Автор вопроса

Fantastic thanks for clearing that up!

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