210 похожих чатов

Is it normal that if you want to send ltc

to a ledger for the second time it gives you a different ltc adress?

8 ответов

5 просмотров


Otis- Автор вопроса

Why is this? Kinda weird

Otis- Автор вопроса

So that means that they will stay on seperate adresses? But what if i want to send them back to an exchange?

ledger keeps track so it will combine the outputs of all addresses into one transaction

Otis- Автор вопроса

Thanks for the answer!

On my ledger I got one address and it didn’t change...

Otis- Автор вопроса

Maybe bc your looking at another wallet than btc or ltc.. those change. Red it on the ledger site.

Maybe yes, I’m looking not at the right c0im

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