209 похожих чатов

Do we know how long before the Mainnet is the

airdrop is it one hour, one day or one week? What's most likely in your opinion??

7 ответов

4 просмотра

estimates are 30-45 days after a confirmed testnet

Mark- Автор вопроса

That's for the Mainnet what about the airdrop? Can you read my question 🙈😁

there is no airdrop until mainnet is out

There will be a very broadcasted snapshot, it could be 1-2 months out, we will see how testnet goes

Mark- Автор вопроса

Oh ok. And is that going to be before the Mainnet or afterwards??

Right before most likely, there will be no surprises

Mark- Автор вопроса

Sweet. Thanks 👍🏻

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