209 похожих чатов

Hello everyone, what is the best way to get my

fiat over to BitForex to buy more omi? Someone said buy xlm and send to BitForex then trade for usdt… what do you think?

8 ответов

10 просмотров

Coinbase buy usdc Transfer usdc to Coinbase pro Buy usdt with usdc Transfer usdt to BitForex ??? Profit

Buy Bitcoin from cash app, send to bitforex and sell Bitcoin for USDT

Use USD to buy USDT on Coinbase. Send to BitForex and buy with your USDT.

Aaron-Cuevas Автор вопроса

My fiat is in Crypto.com already

Buy usdt Transfer to BitForex Buy omi Or Buy Bitcoin Transfer to BitForex Sell Bitcoin for usdt Buy omi

Aaron-Cuevas Автор вопроса

Hey thanks! Is there a cheaper way to send to BitForex? I bought the usdt from crypto.com becasue that is where my fiat was. Crypto.com wants to charge me $25 usdt to send $133 to BitForex

try sending as bep20 or trc20

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