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Question guys can i bridge my polygon hex to erc20?

10 ответов

7 просмотров

That’s what I’m trying to find out!

R-RKrypto Автор вопроса

haha were all trying to make the snapshot! lol

Wondering the same .. how

Can you sell it for WETH and then switch it to ETH? Then Swap for HEX on ethhex.com I think that is the best.

I think this is the bridge link? https://wallet.polygon.technology/login?next=%2Fbridge

Of course you can. The whole idea of bridged tokens is that they are redeemable for the original. You can look at bridged tokens as crosschain wrapped tokens.

R-RKrypto Автор вопроса

we’ll explained thank you

ledger is better

quickswap.exchange has a bridge function top right corner of screen. Just did it but takes an hour James

R-RKrypto Автор вопроса

thanks ya i used the polygon bridge

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