209 похожих чатов

Snagged a #1487 Todd. Pretty good mint number?

7 ответов

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⭕️ = 💩🪙- Автор вопроса

Right? Got it for 1650-ish gems, can’t complain. Hoping it’s worth a little more than that

Dam how did u do that?? Thats like floor and theres a bunch of higher mints at that price. Did u snipe soon as the app starting transacting payments again?

⭕️ = 💩🪙- Автор вопроса

Nah just got it like 15-20 min ago, I loaded up on gems and missed out on like a 30XX mint for 1600 gems, got pissed, came back to the app a few min later and refreshed — there he was

Wow, awesome man. Imagine they do something special for his anniversary..like make him animated 😁

No..i dont really think they will. But im hoping. Could be so easy for them right now. They have to remint these on the switch, why not remint with a little animation for veve' first FA

Has the Spider-Man drop that was supposed to release today begun?

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