209 похожих чатов

Is there a chart for how long to stake hex

vs returns?

13 ответов

8 просмотров


Interest is dynamic. Https://hexicans.info/interest

If theres a stock market crash what happens to.hex and pulse? Serious question.

Nobody really knows. But, where BTC and almost all of crypto have shown they are highly correlated with stocks, HEX hasn't

Let me see in my kristall ball

When market crashed 2020 covid in march, btc and ETH dropped, but hex was not correlated to their moves. This shows hex is decorrelated from btc

Not helpful. But thanks Henry

⬣⬣ Dartanyan Eight (BEWARE SCAMMERS EVERYWHERE) (1182) has increased reputation of Hex.is.the.way (474)


Jamellle (2) has increased reputation of Hex.is.the.way (475)

Hex and tshares vs btc and ETH in first 653 days of each

HEX is not a stock and your question certainly doesn't sound serious.

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