209 похожих чатов

Been debating: Captain America full set, or dragon girl full


7 ответов

5 просмотров
⭕️ = 💩🪙- Автор вопроса

You think it’ll go up that much more long term over CA?

Adventure times both sets 😝🔥

My personal belief it that as a collector DG is much more desirable. But I'm just some idiot on the internet so take it with a grain of salt.

Just some amazing guy you meant!👊🏼

⭕️ = 💩🪙- Автор вопроса

Nah I appreciate your opinion. I’m debating selling my CA + adding $ for DG

I think artists like kozik, english, Rodgers, etc will become very prominent in the NFT space in the coming months and years. Their early NFTs will be highly desired. Again this is only my personal opinion.

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