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Hey guys, after listening to the community call, I'm kind

of confused regarding what Josh was saying about ending the staking program. I've got a couple questions. 1.) Will the staking end for those who have already locked their tokens? 2.) If it's switched to a liquidity mining setup, would that mean we potentially risk impermanent loss?

4 ответов

2 просмотра

1) Only the ability to stake new OGN will end. Any OGN currently staked will still be just as it was - getting yield for the agreed on period, and unlocking at the same time as before. 2) The new liquidity mining setup will be using OUSD + stablecoins. This should not result in any impermanent loss unless one of the underlying coins loses it's peg.

Doctor Delist- Автор вопроса

So regarding number 2, this just works like any defi yield farming in practice?

Yes, as liquidity mining

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