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Good morning Unibright community, It's finally October 1st! EthAtl will start today

and I am super proud of the program that has been put together.

The event can be followed live on Youtube via the following links.

Today is the kickoff of the event with the start of the hackathon and the keynotes.

Have a great day!


4 ответов

10 просмотров

Morning Jack, congrats to all of you for the fantastic achievements in the last years! #Justbuidl are not only words! you all did an amizing job...happy to be part of this exciting journey as an UBT hodler! Wish you good luck for the event🍀

Morning Jack! Let's go 🔥🔥🔥

Jack- Автор вопроса

Morning 🔥

Hi Jack. Great we will all be watching 👍🏻

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