210 похожих чатов

13 ответов

13 просмотров

I'll buy more! Bring it!

is quite real. administrators do nothing for the coin to develop. Investor won't come to songs or twitter

Just hodl

Hold? And you just sell?

Selling below 1000$

you are selling now i can feel it

Hhhhaaa, always crying herr wahahahha

You have been banned before for FUD and have come back cleverly using an almost identical name 🤪 to do it again. We have waited to see if you changed your ways, but it seems not. One more FUD and you will be gone again.

FUD from other Telegram Group

Rick- Автор вопроса

Interesting 😄 good job

I 'd be all in at that price, other site only trying pump their shitcoin so can get into ARRR at lower, there so many crytonite shitcoin out there, apart from XMR and Wow which have network effect and tech and community to backup, when this cycle ends a lot will just be dumped. unless Aeon got some new tech to be a game changer, otherwise it too may be in trouble

Rick- Автор вопроса

I thought that too, but ARRR kept dropping way below some of our lowest expectations. The support levels at .50 and .35 cents seem possible, although absolutely soul destroying hah

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