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Guys i am a bit lost with the zil eth

bridge. i have 35 eth and want to send it to zil blockchain. is there a video tutorial u can show me please. + i havent seen the zil/eth liquidity pool on zilswap yet when im viewing all the pools in zilswap. is there something wrong? thanks

4 ответов

9 просмотров
Jacob-Moralea Автор вопроса

so the reason why eth/zil pool not showing on zilswap is because it will be available on 6th october and all we can do for now is just transfer the eth via bridge correct?

the pool is already there if you want to add LP

Jacob-Moralea Автор вопроса

i cant seem to find it . i can see all the pools except zeth

There is already a Zil : zETH pool on Zilswap

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