209 похожих чатов

How are there sold out gliders and stuff in the

store ?! Only saw 2 posters dropping later today

17 ответов

10 просмотров

they are already dropped. And yes. Pure chaos.

CognitiveDissonanceDave- Автор вопроса

What the heck, been waiting for posters all day and then those beauties drop out of nowhere ?! 😭

not the posters. The planes

The drop announcement has been out for days. Love the name btw 😁🍻

CognitiveDissonanceDave- Автор вопроса

Ah okay..nothing pinned in here, just saw a medium article about posters, and only saw posters in store this morning

u need a Timeline-represenatation of drops. Should i do something like for u so u can see? Maybe i can make an app for the users for this!? But it would be nice to see it in app itself.

Keep an eye on the announcement channel here and join ecomi twitter.

Medium too works ☺️

On Discord im banned i think. 7 days.. i think. But the server is gone too. But someone said its a temp ban. I talked on mainchat over the market. That was forbidden. Got a 7 days ban for it.

They dont usually permanently ban over there unless you keep breaking the rules repeatedly. You'll probably just have to wait out the 7 days.

Follow the Veve account on twitter if you are on it. https://twitter.com/veve_official/status/1443673252598005760?s=19

i have to. But strange that the server is not reachable at all.

I dont know much about how discord works tbh. I'm not an admin there.

already asked around. Noone knows if this is normal. I have to wait those 5-6 days now i guess to see more. And when the server is not popping up again i have to mail the support. 7 days are hard anyway. I saw people that a rude or making FUD, or insulting people and getting only 1 day. I got 7 days.

PM me your discord username and I will see what I can do

I only want to know if it is a full ban or temp ban. And if it is a full ban, why i deserve this? Username: NotSure#6108

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