209 похожих чатов

Hi. I'm reading the hex source code to understand hex

better from a theoretical perspective.
Realistically this can't happen, but there are contrived theoretical
scenarios that can lead to extreme values of newShareRate, so it is
capped to prevent them anyway.
Can someone chime in on this comment and how the TSharePrice can get extreme values?

40 ответов

9 просмотров

basically hex is a black hole, and that t share price can go up forever so they capped it probably

Mtutnid-Mtutnid Автор вопроса

The comment implies that it can go up rapidly for some reason.

as share price goes up and supply goes down, the t share rate will exponentially increase

Mtutnid-Mtutnid Автор вопроса

Intuitive explanation for this?

supply and demand. Less supply (more stakers as adoption increases) - increasing demand (people want unbeatable APY and store of value). I can't really explain it well right now, I'm tired lol. But keep researching. It'll make sense when you understand the mechanics of hex.

Mtutnid-Mtutnid Автор вопроса

I undesrtand that it would go up with respect to the dollar. Not why it would go up with respect to Hex

It's to make sure that longer pays better. The guy staking long term always does better, then some one staking short term. So if you hopping in and out of stakes, price in hex term will always go up to insure you don't out preform the guy that's staked longers.

Mtutnid-Mtutnid Автор вопроса

This i understand but if you look at the comment in the source code. /* Realistically this can't happen, but there are contrived theoretical scenarios that can lead to extreme values of newShareRate, so it is capped to prevent them anyway. */

Oh I think I got you. So the t share rate in hex goes up in a way so that someone end staking will not be able to re-stake their profits for the same amount of t shares they started with. This will change the tshare rate for everyone. So you can't just keep re staking and getting the same share rate. It always goes up when the biggest stake ends and sets a new rate for everyone. That's why the t share rate keeps going up. Watch some RH streams all the way through, he explains it way better.


Peace (141) has increased reputation of Matt (32)

Mtutnid-Mtutnid Автор вопроса

This I understand. But it's capped for some reason. if (newShareRate > SHARE_RATE_MAX) { /* Realistically this can't happen, but there are contrived theoretical scenarios that can lead to extreme values ofSHARE_RATE_MAX newShareRate, so it is capped to prevent them anyway. */ newShareRate = SHARE_RATE_MAX; }

Mtutnid-Mtutnid Автор вопроса

Do you mean that people can just burn eth and cancel a bunch of stakes and drive up the price?

it's probably something we wouldn't have to worry about for decades

Mtutnid-Mtutnid Автор вопроса

I mean open and close stakes every few days, but I guess that wouldn't change the Tshare price

maybe if like 99.99% was staked the t share rate would be insane. But that would never happen

The exception was in case there were situations where only one or a handful of stakes would exist.

Mtutnid-Mtutnid Автор вопроса

Care to elaborate?

The opposite

If there's only one stake, for example of 1 HEX, the ROI would be astronomical and thus would drive the share price to extremes.

Mtutnid-Mtutnid Автор вопроса

Ok thx a lot :D

How come your so smart ???

May be if you own a huge amount 50% or so maybe of the supply and you staked for a long time, when you end your stake, that will drive tshare price up. To you don't get the same rate.

It's not my fault. I was born that way. Not everyone gets to be perfect.

Mtutnid-Mtutnid Автор вопроса

look at Nenad's answer

Yeah I’m a dumb ass who happens to be smart enough to know number go up and just stake 5555


Peace (141) has increased reputation of Magnus Midttun (1)

Yeah right ?! Like that’s a thing !! We can’t articulate or think things through but we just know it works and not question it like “where does the eth go “?

Awww I love them so much !!! Yeah I would sell my mother before I give them away !

⬣⬣ Dartanyan Eight (BEWARE SCAMMERS EVERYWHERE) (1187) has increased reputation of Nenad [I won't dm you] (2085)


⬣⬣ Dartanyan Eight (BEWARE SCAMMERS EVERYWHERE) (1187) has increased reputation of just an✯Elf (472)

people be overthinking hex. Once you understand it you just know it's perfectly designed

Yup !!! Being to smart can be a danger to yourself

just an✯Elf (472) has increased reputation of ⬣⬣ Dartanyan Eight (BEWARE SCAMMERS EVERYWHERE) (1188)

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