209 похожих чатов

Who are all the mods in here? I have some

dude in my dad's talking about verifying my wallet

10 ответов

6 просмотров

U mean PM (personal message). Than its scam

Report and block him

Scam. Admins NEVER pm you 1st. Tell dad to block him and report him for soam.

No its fake. Or u mean it was the fake account about him

Hahahahaha wow

Run_The_Gems- Автор вопроса

Idk, it's the same name and picture. Who do I send a screenshot to?

Run_The_Gems- Автор вопроса

They deleted the chat history, but I already screenshot it, so jokes on them

Report him and block. Got all the day such people.

U will get much more of those scammers. A mod will never PM u on his own.


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