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Can a moderator clarify OMI buy backs? David said in a

recent interview: Monthly token buy backs are NOT happening, they will happen when "needed".

What does "needed" mean? The reserve wallet has 300 billion OMI tokens. Theoretically ecomi/veve won't "need" to stack up on tokens for many, many years, perhaps never.

7 ответов

7 просмотров

Yeah we have to see what mechanisms are put in place to burn from circulating because the reserve burns have no effect on the token at the mo.

Oscar-Shanti Автор вопроса

Very correct. It's a bit concerning that moderators don't even know what is going on with buy backs. And if they know, then they're not being straightforward with it, which is equally concerning.

I don't think they're privvy to that info

Nothing against the moderators here but you can't expect them to have information that is not publicly available. People in the community that are engaged with the AMAs and so on inevitably know as much (more?). Recent AMAs as said above downplay buybacks as a mechanism. It is clear that they have had a rethink and hopefully all becomes clear with burns from circulating soon

Oscar-Shanti Автор вопроса

Yes I agree, moderators of course are not to blame at all. They are doing a fantastic job here and please don't misunderstand my concerns. I'm just a bit frustrated on the lack of clarity on this issue, since it was used in their marketing efforts.

Yes, MOST of them are very good. Whole community has been watching / waiting and concerned for buybacks for months. I hear you.

Oscar-Shanti Автор вопроса


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