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Where'S the best place to stake hex from ledger?

15 ответов

9 просмотров

Connect your ledger to metamask, then go.hex.com

Go.hex.com, backuphex.com, apphex.win ...



Ledger works fine. You can connect via MetaMask or with any of the hex front ends

But they need your Trezor in there hand. Impossible too do over the Internet

What is the ledger attack vector?

The company "losing" your personal data is detracting enough.

Please, what is the ledger and how do i connect to it?

Ledger is a brand of hardware wallet e.g. Nano S and Nano X

Hardware wallets have 24 seed words in them raver than twelve plus there not on your computer

I see, thanks...todays to do list included picking a hw wallet...

Will i still be able to swap for hex on my mobile phone using MM app after using hw wallet?

Don't know never tried that

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