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When your stake ends, do you have to unstake it?

Or can you restake again? And what happens to your t-shares?

14 ответов

14 просмотров

You need to End Stake in order to Re-stake. End Stake burns your t shares and mints the HEX interest you have accrued + principal (assuming no penalties) New stakes will be subject to the current t share rate

You have to unstake within 2 weeks ... unstaking burns your Tshares and mins your tokens - then you can restake them.

Loz (105) has increased reputation of Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ (88)

Yesmine-( I Will Never DM You First) Автор вопроса

Thank you soooo much! ☺

Yesmine-( I Will Never DM You First) Автор вопроса

Thank you so much! This explains everything perfectly

Yesmine-( I Will Never DM You First) Автор вопроса

So that means I won't have my 3 t-shares (that I hold now) when my stake ends next year... so I will not get free HEX each day after my stake ends 🥺🥺🥺

You can restake you principal and all interest, - if you restake fo rthe same time, you won't get quite as many Tshares, but you can go for longer to get the same number or possibly more .

Yesmine-( I Will Never DM You First) Автор вопроса

Thanks for explaining that to me! I should've staked for 10-15 years so that I could've kept all my t-shares instead of only doing a 1 year stake and afterwards losing my t-shares. I made the newbie mistake thinking that I get to keep all my t-shares as long as I kept restaking it over the years until I withdrew everything 😅 I didn't realize that the t-shares burned when you end your stake

but it's not too late ... you can take a little profit, and restake the rest for as long as you like, and repreat each time ... play with the figures at either hexcalc.net or directly on go.hex.com ... you can calculate your approximate daily interest as Tshares x Daily Payout rate (currrently around 5.8) , that estimate will always be on the low side due to others' penalties that you get a share of ... also remember price appreciation over time

Loz (106) has increased reputation of ⬣⬣ Dartanyan Eight (BEWARE SCAMMERS EVERYWHERE) (1190)

Yesmine-( I Will Never DM You First) Автор вопроса

Thank you! I think I am going to do a staking ladder for each year: year 2, year 3, year 4, until I hit year 15) that way I have payouts coming my way each year. I will just take a little bit of the profits and then restake it

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