209 похожих чатов

Do they have any plans on making it transparent who

they give items to? the ones that are skimmed from every drop?

10 ответов

7 просмотров

It is clear! The first 40 are reserved for licensors and an additional 50 random mints are reserved for community giveaways and initiatives

Justin- Автор вопроса

but it's usually 100 of each rarity

That's 90!

Justin- Автор вопроса

copy. if you can get info for my other inquiry that would be great

I'm not sure about the others as they are random mints

Justin- Автор вопроса

no my other question concerning where to learn about community engagement and giveaways

I'll enquire!

Sr saying not for purchase, any idea why it still has count down? Thanks


Justin- Автор вопроса

cool. I'll check in later on. thx

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