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Guys whats the aave on solana ? where i can

borrow against my sol

2 ответов

16 просмотров

Hello !! Yield farming/ lending/borrowing platforms : 1️⃣ Oxygen It is a DeFi Prime Brokerage Protocol built for the future to support 100s of millions of people. It can help you, as a holder of digital assets, generate liquidity, earn yield, borrow assets to go short, get trading leverage against portfolio of assets. 🔗https://www.oxygen.org/ 2️⃣Solaris It is a Lending/Borrowing protocol that brings Flashloans to Solana blockchain (inspired by Aave and Compound) 🔗https://solana.com/ecosystem/solaris 3️⃣ Orca you can provide liquidity to a trading pool to earn trading fees. 🔗https://www.orca.so/pools 4️⃣ Raydium 🔗 https://raydium.io/farms/ 5️⃣ Jet protocol Jet Protocol is a borrowing and lending protocol built on the Solana blockchain. 🔗 https://www.jetprotocol.io 6️⃣ Solfarm SolFarm is the first yield aggregation platform built on Solana with auto-compounding vault strategies. 🔗 https://solfarm.io 7️⃣ Solend Soled is an algorithmic, decentralized protocol for lending and borrowing. 🔗 https://solend.fi

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