209 похожих чатов

At the current price of hnt, in a dense area

with a good antenna ur gonna mine like .25-.5 hnt per day these days? Call it 10 hnt per month × $20 miner pays itself off in like 6-8 months for $1400. Thats actually amazing in the grand scheme of things u can buy, plug in and leave and have it earn.

3 ответов

8 просмотров

Yup its obv the people who were in early had it good but the way rewards are being exploited was never meant to be the main mining method. Data is. So providing the network works in future as it was intended, its still a good investment

Tyler Durden
how are rewards being exploited?

Well this guy here https://explorer.helium.com/hotspots/112WDTW1hHp5nBVtLNkCsWUdWtUngxLqo3HJ5PYcSoQ7jQWtuKGu

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