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Quick question, you may or may not know. How is it

that 28% is possible and yet not possible with a bank?

Is it because the transaction fees over the network are divided up to those staking? Where as a bank would take the transaction fee and make all the profit then pay employees and building.

Instead with crypto there’s not bank and profits go to the people?

Deep thoughts 🤔

1 ответов

11 просмотров

I think you are thinking in the traditional sense where crypto and defi have created better mechanisms to bootstrap and reward participants on the network. It looks like you are connecting rewards with transaction fees. And those two should be treated differently. USDL can be minted and 28% was set as a reasonable APY%. Staking rewards don't come from transaction fees. USDL is used for rewards, trading pairs, smart contracts, and transactions.

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