209 похожих чатов

@ListerineDream where can I file a complaint? Because this isn’t

a small issue, others are able to get in the market and buy stuff quick, and my collectibles are dropping

4 ответов

7 просмотров

You're welcome to open a support ticket

I am in the same boat as you but to be fair there have been other similar technical issues and Veve has always compensated the effected users with SR NFTs so fingers crossed

Florian-Walter Автор вопроса
Kaladin Stormblessed
I am in the same boat as you but to be fair there ...

Yeah, but the gem gate, shouldn’t have been compensated, because many people abused this issue. But with us it’s completely different, banned for no reason, not able to liquidate assets

Florian Walter
Yeah, but the gem gate, shouldn’t have been compen...

I appreciate you sharing your perspective Florian, the team are aware of this one - you're welcome to open a support ticket if you haven't already!

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