210 похожих чатов

@Coblee do you still think your cryptic tweet will be

happening? ATH by 10th anniversary. Just few days left

6 ответов

7 просмотров

Breaking your heart is better than breaking your bank!

Trojan- Автор вопроса
Charlie Lee
Breaking your heart is better than breaking your b...

As always . You are the best . I know it was lot pain holding and supporting . Hopefully in the end worth the pain

Charlie Lee
Breaking your heart is better than breaking your b...

Hey charlie, glad you're here. I think the pretty obvious gaping hole in LTC is not its utility but the lack of awareness of the general populace. Outside these circles its seen as a mere silver to BTC. Even some acclaimed Crypto influencers don't know shit about MWEB or Omni. Do you think there needs to be more aggressive marketing? I'm happy to chip in for a marketing wallet. The point is not to pump and sell but for LTC to reach a new stable price in the late 500s irrespective of BTC

Probably not this bull run, but one never knows!

Charlie Lee
Probably not this bull run, but one never knows!

the little hope that remained has been brutally crushed with a few words

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