209 похожих чатов

Thanks. Just wish since we are COSMOS holders and you

entered COSMOS you didn't pull people into the ETH wallet when a lot of us went to KEPLR and COSMOS because of the cheaper gas prices. Will these pStake tokens be able to be moved to my KEPLR wallet or do we have to change them somehow to move them? Well you guys found a good way to lock up some tokens without burning them that's for sure. At least mine will stay in my wallet until ETH finds a way to fix its prices.

1 ответов

5 просмотров

As of now there is no chance of moving them back to keplr without going through unwrapping process for atoms and paying Eth gas fees. Also same for pstake as it is ERC-20 token so can't be sent to keplr. But in future it is planned to move pstake platform on Persistence mainnet. At that time you will be able to carry out tnx in Lower gas price.

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