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https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EFrW9KgWoAAUdGv?format=png&name=large https://youtu.be/Uv2mFAOMzkM?t=2205 People use the word #Ponzi wrongly all the time. Ponzis, Pyramid schemes, and speculative bubbles are usually different. Because something drops 95% doesn't means it's a Ponzi. Amazon stock did. Now it's 50% of all online sales in the USA, and up 350x. #Ponzi: Promises high returns that it sustains for a while by stealing from the principal of new depositors to pay the returns to older depositors. It fails when it can't meet its obligations. #Pyramid scheme: Has multiple levels. Tends to put many middle men between product and user, and often has weak retail sales and strong sales of its "reseller package." Speculative #bubble: People simply decide that something is worth much more, then much less.
I am in the process of doing my own research hence the question to this group
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