209 похожих чатов

Hey, they are aware of it, that’s fine after 3


Sorry but this is nowhere near acceptable. I am not even able to buy drops after the drop on mp. Golden statue will fly after drop, how shall I get it then?

This is absurdely unfair and the -EV is immense

Plus no reply from support in 3 days. GG

That’s no FUD. That’s Facts

3 ответов

8 просмотров

As long as we get compensated I can forgive them 😆

Florian-Walter Автор вопроса
Kaladin Stormblessed
As long as we get compensated I can forgive them 😆

Gem gate were 3k people, I guess this affects way more. So even if we get sth it won’t be scarce and worth anything

Cap carter already started to fly and we can't bought it

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