People are still sacrificing thousands of dollars,.and many are doing hundreds of dollars value. We should be nice to the late sacrificers because they are adding users, and potentially buying our bags
I guarantee they do use the amount of money late sacrificers are still sending to the sac address for price discovery. If people are still willing to pay $1 for 100-200 pulse then we’ll still see people sacrificing $1 for 10-50 pulse or less before launch. The AMM could find the price to be $.10-.50 at launch or something crazy like that
People might be willing to buy 1 pulse for $1 if the sacrifice phase keeps going for 3 months. (I think it would actually need to be longer than 3 months to get their, but you get the point) We are not getting diluted much at these prices. It is basically like an adoption coupon. The only way pulse is valuable is if people use it. We need a lot of users.
Maxime Lenoir (5) has increased reputation of (624)
If pulse launches at $.01-.10 or higher I may black out from excitement haha
Haha yeah that would be crazy!
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