209 похожих чатов

Any hints when we can expect Monster Hunter drops? Been

waiting for half a year now 🙈

4 ответов

7 просмотров

i wish i could drop those hints! I know the assets have been in the works for a while, but until we release some PR around them and continue to build that awareness i cant reveal anything

⭕️ Rhys ⭕️
i wish i could drop those hints! I know the assets...

Yo Rhyns have question when im use app veve my iphon is so hot maybe u know why? Have second phon samsung and havent this problem,just was buy new iphon for catch drops and have this issu

Szymon Nieroda
Yo Rhyns have question when im use app veve my i...

hmmmm not sure to be honest,I know veve uses up some juice, and if it was an old phone i'de say it's just got too much on it. Maybe try playing a gaming app or something else and see if it happens then too? At least you would know if it's the device or the app at that point

⭕️ Rhys ⭕️
hmmmm not sure to be honest,I know veve uses up so...

I have iphon 12 so its not so old, I was try playing games on app and just veve app make hot my phon,any way thanks for text back

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