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Does anyone understand how inflationary ASTAR is from reading the

tokenomics section on inflation? There's no plain english comment on what the intended inflation rate is based on what levels of adoption and use. That doesn't inpsire confidence.

7 ответов

9 просмотров

The formula is very complex. The inflation depends on the amount being staked and stuff. And it is a mixed of staking on collators and dapps. https://docs.astar.network/learn/token-economics/token-economy There is also a discussion on this on the forum. https://forum.astar.network/t/dapps-staking-economics/1737

Codex- Автор вопроса
The formula is very complex. The inflation depends...

Thank you for providing the links, but by the end of both I feel that the inflation levels and staking rewards for ASTAR are very poorly understood even by people investing the most time to try to figure it out. There is certainly nothing close to a plain english description of the inflation rate or staking reward value which will be worked towards. Rational investors or investors wanting to move reasonable large amounts of money into Astar will hesitate because of this. They'll be wanting a clear technical breakdown of not only how it will work, but a statement about the intention so that the project owners show they're willing to wear some reputational risk.

Thank you for providing the links, but by the end ...

Math can be hard to understand. Even myself can't compute the formula. But, will this help you?? https://mamora-toga.medium.com/understanding-dapp-staking-23ad9e0d8b29

Codex- Автор вопроса
Math can be hard to understand. Even myself can't ...

That helps a little. Still, it's a murky topic. It would be better to have concrete and clear statements in the whitepaper, not just the math behind it.

That helps a little. Still, it's a murky topic. It...

The clearest one is in the formula. But we don't know how to calculate. That's all.

Codex- Автор вопроса
The clearest one is in the formula. But we don't k...

That would be perfect if the whitepaper was only intended for mathematicians.

That would be perfect if the whitepaper was only i...

Even fyi comes with math. This is what it is. https://docs.yearn.finance/resources/guides/how-to-understand-yvault-roi

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