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Quick question and sorry -newbie here haha- so in order

to mine you have to stake Wax to CPU. My question is, is this a one time staking ? say I will stake 100 Wax to CPU. Is that going to give me permanent access to mining or the CPU computing power is getting delpeted overtime and needs more . I m trying to understand the connection between the CPU staking ( the more Wax staked = more computing speed or what ?) and the mining process . Thanks

6 ответов

9 просмотров

it does not get depleted... the more transaction you do the more wax you need to stake...

The blockchains cpu is like computer cpu. Instead of more powerfull cpu hardware in ur computer u need more wax staked in ur wallet. If u use ur computer a lot u should upgrade ur hardware. So if more players join blockchain and play u should stake more cpu in ur wallet

if only for mining needs maybe it will save your cpu usage

The blockchains cpu is like computer cpu. Instead ...

You can learn more about CPU usage in this article: https://wax-io.medium.com/psa-understanding-cpu-usage-and-fluctuations-in-accordance-with-staking-on-wax-84f88ef03f5f

Did i explain wrong?

Did i explain wrong?

you explain just fine dude... not technically but just fine 👍👍👍

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