To owner no.. To network yes. There are many IoT devices transferring data already on helium network while paying fee, which the miner owner get for the availability of the coverage
They are yet updating their network, so yes there are many flaws. Now it depends on those investors using helium to support their end devices, if their customer want to use it or now. Also balanced distribution of rewards by transferring data need to be addressed too if they want network to be mature
As of now establishing network is being rewarded along with data transfer, later when the network is huge, mainly income will be data transfer.
Okay amazing I’m convinced I wanna buy a miner for UK I’m just confused as there’s many devices I’m aware 5G ones not out yet!!
That’s at the end of the network is very big all overcome world yew
Bobcat, Sensecap, RAK. These are the one with right supply time and availability. Sensecap has direct cooling (fan) in it too, if its about heat.
So later we need of POW right low we earning from coverage
Helium is only POC. POW is etherum, btc etc
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