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Hi all, I try to understand the benefits from pStake

and the rewards compared to just staking. I see ATOM having a 11% APY for staking in Keplr, when I stake in pStake I receive 7% APY. For XPRT it is 38% in Keplr, and 33% in pStake. Does anyone know the APY for the stkATOM/ETH and stkXPRT/ETH LP pools on Sushiswap on pStake? Are these APYs 7% and 33% too? That is not clear to me, and I could not find any documentation so far about it. The use case is really amazing, and with double APYs it can be a passive income dream to be true for many of us

12 ответов

6 просмотров

As of now you are not abel to see those returns, but the team is working on way around to integrate those APY numbers in LP. Also no idea how much are they as of now.

Paul- Автор вопроса
Vishal Patel (Won't PM you)
As of now you are not abel to see those returns, b...

Ah alright, curious and looking forward of the update of the team. Maybe someone who has staked LP stk*/ETH pair knows the answer already and could share with the community?

Super- Era ®

These are apart from the normal staking rewards. So double rewards

Paul- Автор вопроса
Super- Era ®

Cool you receive 33% for staking and 33% for the stkXPRT/eth sushiswap pool I see, correct?

Super- Era ®

Are you sure?

Mikhil Pandey: Hey guys, this in not accurate The 7% apr that you see on the UI is for staking ATOM via pSTAKE The fees component is not shown in the UI You could simply go to the stkATOM-Eth pool data on Sushi's analytics page and get the total fees generated data We will work on that and see how to get that data flowing to the end user

Vishal Patel (Won't PM you)
Mikhil Pandey: Hey guys, this in not accurate The...

Well let me then delete my messages.. I just explained as per what seems i was earning. but it is still not clear...thats true

Vishal Patel (Won't PM you)
As of now you are not abel to see those returns, b...

Does anyone have a guess as to when we should start unstakking XPRT so we can restake it on the Pstake platform?

Paul Brelin
Does anyone have a guess as to when we should star...

You can already wrap your XPRT to stkXPRT and earn rewards at the same have liquid tokens. The sushiswap pool should be live anytime soon

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