209 похожих чатов

If I stake 25000 hex for 365 days am I

to expect a total of 30,000 hex on day 365? Is there any other profit im missing?

15 ответов

11 просмотров

plus iinterest

Sebastian- Автор вопроса
plus iinterest

Is the interest shown on this page?

No you will get about 3000 plus your principal. Look at the tshare and multiply that by 5.75 x365

Is the interest shown on this page?

the interests are from 12% to 36-37% depending on the duration for one year 12% plus penalties

the interests are from 12% to 36-37% depending on ...


Crypto ISA
No you will get about 3000 plus your principal. Lo...

I don't think you will get 30k even if you 5555 you need like 12 t share for that

Is the interest shown on this page?

yes, you will see them. here you can calculate how many hex you will take for T-share https://apphex.win/charts/

You will get that qt minimum and then forfeited shared early end stakes if I'm not mistaken. The t share is like a hex printer and yoy can look it up in white paper

that is not your profit. That is the way your tshare cost is calculated. use stakehex.today to show the interest calculation

1.579T X 5.72 hex/T X 365 = your interest, now this is assuming no penalties, so 3296 Hex in interest, add your principal your bags would be at 28296 hex, minimal, also not taking into account increase in payout over time (hex/T), without penalties

Nice Maths 😎

Average ROI multiple is at 4.3 I'm guessing at least a solid 5K usd if the multiplier never goes up or down 😅

Pulse DCA Club Hex_is_the_way

Hex.is.the.way (669) has increased reputation of Dario Thrones 🦑 (23)

Sebastian- Автор вопроса
Pulse DCA Club Hex_is_the_way

Thank you. Im still trying to wrap my head around the calculation. So your saying my profit on a 25000 hex stake for 354 days would be 3296 hex (13% profit if hex price stays the same) But also the daily payout (hex/T) is increasing throughout that period but cant be predicted.

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