209 похожих чатов

Is this the level of stupidity in the cryptosphere now,

where a 30-40 percent dip in the price equals "scam"? not talking about the good folks in here, but what the furus and trolls are all into right now. its just so laughable and retarded; I stupidly believed we were past all this with HEX after a two year track record of excellence: zero hacks. zero rugpulls. zero downtime.
all dips followed by ATH. audited good behavior of OA. etc. it appears that in Tardville, the stupidity never ends

3 ответов

20 просмотров

Yes there is a huge level of stupidity in this space. It’s comical to watch

I think there is no cure for being retard bro.

Hex is no scam and is the best performing asset, BUT I hate it when people say it increased 1,000x X days ago! Bro, no one bought at those many days ago, if they did, they don’t care about this dip, lol

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