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When the first decentralised apps start working on Mina Protocol

with their own tokens and economics and all, you guys will be shocked by the valuation of Mina Protocol.

When the IPO’s of those snapps require locking Mina tokens to participate in, today’s paper hands will be traumatised for not hodling.

Are you guys aware that most of us won’t even want to sell our Mina tokens but just trading the tokens of the snapps we get from the IPO’s will be more than enough to satisfy our financial goals? Many others will have to first invest in Mina Protocol to be able to take part in those IPO’s, while you will calmly use your hodlings.

Don’t be naïve and blind. Try to understand what owning the tokens of a blockchain itself means when it comes to the ownership of the projects that work on that blockchain. That’s where the true wealth will be created for Mina community.

Calmly wait. You have to do absolutely nothing.

3 ответов

5 просмотров

more agree impossible thanks ser!

🤝 few understand

Where was this spoken about ? Regarding locking up Mina for IPO's ?

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