209 похожих чатов

I asked: 1) How can I check the

rewards each team announce are trustworthy? Can the team attest they configured those rewards, or can I check it through a call, extrinsic, whatever?

2) If I unstake from a project right now, and move them to an other project, what happens with the rewards I didn't claim? For instance, I had staked for 3 days in "X" project, but couldn't claim due to the error, if I move those SDN now to an other project do I risk missing those rewards? or wouldn't only be an issue with the rewards of the current day?

2 ответов

6 просмотров

Good questions

1. Go to the project itself to verify. https://t.me/coinversationofficial/33061 2. Staking rewards is per era basis. For now there is no unlocking period, but there will be in the future. Unlocking period is necessary ensure full era staking period. This product is the first release an MVP. Plenty of improvement to be made. Meanwhile, have fun staking.

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