209 похожих чатов

@ListerineDream can we just start banning/timing out these bot boy

spammers? They miss drops because they’re slow or have a potato phone and then fud the TG up

4 ответов

7 просмотров
⭕️ = 💩🪙- Автор вопроса

And are also boring. Let’s make it fair and boring for everyone so no one’s feelings are hurt. Everyone is special right

⭕️ = 💩🪙
And are also boring. Let’s make it fair and boring...

Don’t remember rattling your cage for an opinion.

⭕️ = 💩🪙- Автор вопроса
Graham Collins
Don’t remember rattling your cage for an opinion.

Didn’t need to, your opinion was stupid so I let you know why 👌

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