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If we continue to measure all this crypto in dollars,

what exactly the point? If the dollar keeps inflating then hyperinflates, how can we get an accurate value? Anyone?

8 ответов

9 просмотров

We should use pizza 🍕

Bernard-Macarius Автор вопроса

I think it’s mainly because we have to sell our crypto to buy things and pay bills. Once you can pay all of those things with your crypto the US dollar will basically be extinct

Well hex is the only safe haven as the 37-38% apy (if you are staked beyond average duration) beats the dollar inflation by 2x.

more than likely will be a 1970s thing....and we continue on for many more decades just fine.

I used to measure against BTC But this past year or so, I measure against dollars. Everything in the real world is priced in FIAT so that's the easiest thing for me to understand.

I used to measure against BTC But this past year ...

sure. me too. I can't tell my wife I made .1 BTC today. she doesn't care about that.

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