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Just curious.. now the astar crowdloan is near to start

will shiden be forgotten? There is not even a working product yet on shiden a lot of bugs etc. I’m just curious what the team has the bring in this short of time before astar comes?

5 ответов

12 просмотров

Bugs will be fixed and Shiden will not be forgotten. We understand the sentiment that a lot of people are going through. But Shiden exists for the same reason Kusama exists.

Tim-Stapper Автор вопроса
Bugs will be fixed and Shiden will not be forgotte...

The testing relay chain yea. But in the time stamp you have till polkadot relay chain after that the people will go for the projects on polkadot. It’s sad to see that such awesome team and project is so late with everything if you go watch the other parachains there way further in there development.. I hope there will come some action in the upcoming 2 weeks really like the dapp platform but what I said it needs to work properly to get more attention from the outside for now only the people that already had shiden are staking it .

Tim-Stapper Автор вопроса
Sure. We will do our best!

I have no doubt the team is doing their best but right now that feels not enough lol but yea let’s see what it will bring we still got some time! 🙏

Tim Stapper
I have no doubt the team is doing their best but r...

I am also eagerly waiting for everything to get fixed and seamless from here.

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