209 похожих чатов

Hi I asked yesterday about my account being restricted and

one of the admins said they were contacting Rhys has he still not replied ? It’s been 10 days now and still don’t have access to the market place or my collectibles do not tell me to be patient as this is not an answer or we understand your frustration or they are working on it. We need to know how long this is going to be before someone does something ??

13 ответов

8 просмотров

Same. There no reply from the support either

Same here. Payments stopped working, so auction bids were lost, then marketplace suspended, now just first loading screen is never ending .

Then contact their support. They aren't in the telegram channel reading all the posts and trying to help.

Check DMs

K-Kal Автор вопроса
K Kal
Contacted them twice already

kindly DM your ticket number

K Kal
Contacted them twice already

Have you joined the discord where there is a support channel?

K-Kal Автор вопроса

Where will I find my ticket number ? I have an email on October 14 from Support acknowledging the problem

K-Kal Автор вопроса
K-Kal Автор вопроса
Isaac AmaZix

Hi I asked yesterday about my account being restricted and one of the admins said they were contacting Rhys has he still not replied ? It’s been 10 days now and still don’t have access to the market place or my collectibles do not tell me to be patient as this is not an answer or we understand your frustration or they are working on it. We need to know how long this is going to be before someone does something ??

K Kal
Where will I find my ticket number ? I have an ema...

You should find the number in the email you received

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